Frequently Asked Questions

What is AWG?

AWG is a technology that extracts water from the air's moisture content to create water that can be used as potable water or for other purposes such as in agriculture or other industries.

Intake Air

Any dirt and dust are removed through true HEPA air filter trapping 99,95% of particles.

Air Condensation

The heat exchanger condenses moisture in the air to create water.

Filtration and

The water is filtered and sanitized through multiple filters to make clean drinking water.

Drinkable, Clean and Safe Water 

With the unique technology, we create clean and delicious water by repeating filtration circulation.

Why is AWG an excellent source of water?

AWG systems utilise the moisture naturally present in the air, making it a sustainable and a wholly renewable source of water. AWG is pure and free from microplastics and contaminants found in other sources, as it is condensed from the air and then typically filtered and purified. AWG systems also lead to total independence from infrastructure making them suitable for remote locations and enables localized production of water, reducing the need for long distance water transport, associated costs and environmental impacts.

Does using AWG contribute positively to the UN SDGs?

The United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) are goals that Auqvian takes very seriously, which is one of the many reasons to why we are doing what we are doing. AWG can alleviate the challenges of climate change in many ways and the technology contributes to at least sixteen of the seventeen UN SDGs.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

How water is central to all SDGs

Access to clean water and sanitation

has profound socio-economic impacts

and is a key factor in reducing poverty


A clean, regular water supply is essential for livestock rearing and agriculture, for sustainable
food production.


There is a strong link between water

and human health, which could be

dramatically improved with universal

access to clean water and sanitation.

If fewer children get sick from dirty water,or have to spend time collecting water,school attendence will be much improved.

Lack of water and sanitation limits the lives of women and girls disproportionately and is a barrier to gender equality


Access to a consistent water source is essential to all economic activity, including affordable and clean energy production (SDG 7 ), job creation (SDG 8), and industry and infrastructure (SDG 9).

Universal access to WASH would be one of the fastest ways to promote inclusion of otherwise marginalized groups in society.

UN SDG #13

Climate change is experienced through changes in the water cycle. SDG 6 and SDG are inextricably linked.

UN SDG #11

Water must be a key part of planning for sustainable cities and communities.

UN SDG #14

To restore and protect ocean health, we must start on land, ensuring that water owing into the ocean is free from pollutants and supports marine ecosystems.

Cooperation over shared waters can help countries become more resilient to the impact of climate change and is a potential catalyst for peace.

UN SDG #12

With growing water scarcity globally,

water will be the key constraining factor for responsible consumption and production

UN SDG #15

Clean water and effective sanitation is

essential for resilient landscapes, to allow all life on land to flourish and thrive.

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